How to learn SSBD

Please Read This Before Proceeding
This is NOT a fast track instructor diploma program, we DO NOT sell instructor diplomas or certificates for a 1 weekend session.
There are NO long distance correspondance program, NO learning through instuctional videos, NO video gradings.
I am NOT desperate to have representatives in every part of the world. Those who dedidcate parts of thier lives to SSBD understand my visions and aims in spreading SSBD. The passion is what spreads the art.
I and all SSBD group leaders firmly believe you cannot learn and instill "REAL" skill and understanding over just a few session or a few seminars. You may "remember" 100 movements, you may "copy" 1000 techniques, but this is not how authentic silat is learned and developed. It should be in your body, not in your brain.
We aim for quality practitioners that could teach the art with full understanding, not instructors who got thier diploma from "remembering" techniques for thier gradings.
Like any reputable learning institution, SSBD is instructed how it is supposed to be taught, not bought. Like a lecturer in a University, I provide a service, when was the last time you heard, Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard or The MIT offering a fast track course to an Engineering Degree through a video? Think about it.
Once you understand this, you are welcome to proceed on how you can further your studies in SSBD below.
We are not the best, but you can rest assure we give our best.
Private Lessons - minimum 2 individual, Maximum 4.

Personal instruction is the preferred method of study. The training method is based on your personal ability and is catered to suit your needs rather than the general outline presented in a public class. You will learn the correct training methods and mind-set. You will be more informed of the art that you are learning through direct and personal tuition from Maul Mornie. Private instruction lets you enjoy SSBD at your convenience. You will learn more in one private instruction than what you could acquire in 3 public sessions.

Click here for details.


Join a Training Group

You can join one of the training groups listed in this website. These group of individuals will represent and carry the name of SSBD on completion of their training. They regularly train together and invites Maul Mornie in a closed door session for up-dates and intensive training once every few months. Training groups are instructed the core of SSBD and are trained traditionally as how Maul Mornie was trained. Those attending the training group are advised to participate in all seminars and workshop to their convenience. Group leaders reserve the right to refuse entry.


Start your own Training Group

You need a minimum group of 16 people (maximum 20). Willing to train regularly together and invite Maul Mornie once every few months for updates and intensive training. There are no long distance DVD instructions or long distance grading programs. All instructions are transmitted directly from the instructor in person. This is the only way authentic and effective SSBD methods should be instructed. Martial arts schools or clubs prefer this method to incorporate SSBD methods to their curriculum. Anyone with no experience are also welcome to do so.

Click here for details.


Attend Seminars and Workshops

Seminars/workshops are hosted through out the year in parts of Europe and the US by martial arts schools and private groups. You can check out future events on the Seminar / Events link on this website. This is one way to learn and incorporate SSBD into your repertoire. Travelling to another country or state to train with a few guys for a day or two is not unusual, when necessary, plane fares are inexpensive these days; for example in Europe, and; in Asia,


Host a Seminar / Workshop

Hosting a seminar is one other excellent way to learn SSBD, the host is entitled a few hours of private lessons for his incentives, and the expenses are paid through the the attendance of seminar participants. Seminars can be held in garages, backyards, parks, martial arts schools or a hired gym, etc. It is also a good way to set up a training group if you are interested. Using a seminar as a stepping stone to attract other interested individuals by using the event as a tester without any initial commitments.

There is special introductory price for hosting an SSBD seminar for the 1st time.

Click here for details.


Hello Everyone,

All latest updates and information will be posted in our new site;


The links and articles in this site will still be available.

Sorry for the inconvinience.

Hope to see you there.
