Recieving an Honorary Blackbelt

Honorary Goshinkwai "Blackbet" Title presented by Alun Williams, 5th Dan Chief Instructor and Founder of Goshinkwai Total Body Defence Organization, United Kingdom
The a proud moment framed. Frame was chosen by Charles Rawlins.

I was invited as a guest instructor in the Annual Goshinkwai Gathering, it was held at Risca Leasure Centre, Newport Gwent, Wales, United Kingdom on the Saturday, 22nd November 2008.
The participants were divided into 4 groups and instructed by different Goshinkwai Instructors including myself covering different aspects of self defence on a rotation of 50 minutes each.
I would like to Congratulate Lindsay James for her success in her brown belt grading that evening. She deserves every credit for it, her performance was more then above average - in laymans term, "She kicked ass!". Credit also to Sensei Rob Pascoe, Matt Hall, Carl Grant and other instructors for helping her prepare for her grading.

Before the end of the seminar, Alun William presented me with the Honorary Goshinkwai "Blackbelt" Title. It was a surprise for me because I was not expecting that. My smile was from ear to ear when Alun Williams presented me the framed honor. I was speechless. My appreciation to Alun Williams and Goshinkwai Total Body Defence for thier recognition and support in spreading Bruneian Martial Art.
I have the honor of calling Goshinkwai Total Body Defence, a group of incredible martial artists and individuals my friends.
To know more about Goshinkwai Total Body Defence CLICK HERE
The recognition for me, is a personal acheivement as part of my efforts to raise the curiosity and awareness among people from different nationalities about the martial heritage and culture of Brunei Darussalam in general.


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