Harimau Seminar, Albenga - Savona, Italy


Another successful Silat Suffian Bela Diri - Bruneian Martial Arts Seminar.
This is the 3rd seminar of the 1st visit to Italy for the 2008 SSBD World Tour.

The Seminar was hosted by Instructor Mirko Bruzzone of the Alia Academy, Savona in Italy. It was held in the morning of 3rd February 2008, from 10 am t0 12.30pm.

I would like to convey my appreciation to Instructor Mirko Bruzzone and Alia Academy for thier openess to organize a Silat Suffian Bela Diri Seminar. To those translating for me in the seminar. To Carlo Andreis for his organizational skills, Christian Alfano, Manuel Merlin (great people for enduring the responsibility as my recievers in the seminar) and everyone that helped me in this seminar and thier patience in accepting what I have to taught. My apologies if I miss anyone or mistakes are made in any spelling, please contact me to correct it.
This workshop like my other events aims primarily to raise the curiosity and awareness among people from different nationalities about the martial heritage and culture of Brunei Darussalam in general.

.Mirko Bruzzone, Manuel Merlin, Maul Mornie, Christian Alfano, Carlo Andreis in front of the cafe where we had breakfast in Savona before the seminar.
This seminar covered the takedowns of SSBD. It covers pre-emptive strikes and responsive destructions against strikes that results in a takedown. 20+ individuals from different schools and systems participated in the seminar.
The participants were taught how to intercept basic incoming attack offensively rather than defensively. As the seminar progressed, basic nerve constriction, foot trapping and basic strategies were also instructed to compliment the takedown movement.
Feedbacks from the seminar, during and after the event was very encouraging. Everyone wanted to know more about Bruneian Martial Arts and Brunei Darussalam in general. A series of other seminar are being planned for future dates.
Please enjoy the video and image from the event.
More information on Mirko Bruzzone and Alia Academy, please visit here www.aliacademy.it


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