Quick Entries - Italy, 7th June 08

Click play for a 7 minutes instructional video from the Internationally successful 3hrs Bruneian Martial Art seminar
disclaimer : This is NOT an instructional video. Imitating & copying the techniques presented in this presentation/demo video without correct precise instructions from a qualified SSBD instructor may result in serious long term or permenant damage. Do not limit your martial training by imitating & copying techniques from videos, seek competant instructors. Discover your potential. Read further disclaimer and liability policy.



"..concerning the technical review of the whole seminar, well what can i say, it amazes me again and again everytime.. well definitevly worth driving 8 hours." - Christian Velici from Germany; Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Instructor and Katori Shinto Ryu practitioner.


Another successful Silat Suffian Bela Diri - International Bruneian Martial Arts Seminar.
The Seminar was hosted and organized by the SSBD Italian group leader - Carlo Andreis (AMADA Gym Association) in Desenzano Del Garda, Italy. It was held in the afternoon of 7th June 2008, from 3 pm to 6.30pm.

Around 50 participants from different parts of Europe attended the Seminar.

A majority of the participants are Instructors and practitioners from varied martial arts styles attended, from Indonesian Silat, Filipino Kali, Escrima, Jeet Kune Do, Capoeira, Lao Long Dao (vietnamese), Wing Chun Kung Fu, Kung Fu, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Karate etc, left their ego at the door and came to experience, give support and exchange ideas. It was great to see old faces (friends) and welcoming the new.

I would like to convey my deepest appreciation to all those who participated for their openess and determination to attend the Bruneian Martial Arts Seminar. To Carlo and Daniele Panni for their organizational skills, Juan Moreno for his exellent translation. Federio Nibbi, Christian Alfano, Ivano Buzzi, Alex Bombana, Michele Gammauta, Fabio Ganna & Danilo Baressi; and everyone who endured the responsibility as my recievers in the seminar, and everyone that helped me in this seminar and thier patience in accepting what I have taught. Robert Bozic from Slovenia, Christian Velici from Germany, Romano from Rome, Morfeo from Como, Mauro Forcato from Padova, friends from Trento, etc, for travelling such a long way to participate in the seminar. My only hope I have not disappointed anyone who participated. My apologies if I miss anyone for whom credit was due or mistakes are made in any spelling, please contact me to correct it.

This workshop like my other events aims primarily to raise the curiosity and awareness among people from different nationalities about the martial heritage and culture of Brunei Darussalam in general.


Initially the seminar was suppose to be a Personal Self Protection Seminar aimed specifically for individuals with weaker physical attributes, but I was informed on the morning of the event that the majority of participants would be experienced male instructors of good health and built. So to accomodate and not to dissapoint the participants attending the topic was changed to concentrate on Quick Entries and Take downs.

The participants were first instructed on how destructive interception of incoming attacks. Then proceed to the fundamental mechanics of attacking take downs and throws.

Like all my seminars, the movements are not fixed on technique but principles of body mechanics - on how to feed of energy of the attack.

Feedbacks from the seminar, during and after the event was very encouraging. Everyone wanted to know more about Bruneian Martial Arts and Culture in general.

Please enjoy the picture from this event.


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Sorry for the inconvinience.

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