Goshinkwai - UK 12th April 2008

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"The best seminar to date yesterday, 12th April 2008 with Maul. Exceptional standard and tuition. I am honoured to be training under such an expert and more so for hosting his UK seminars. Attend his seminars, you will not be disappointed!" - Sensei Alun Williams, 5th Dan Blackbelt
Another SSBD successful event. The 2nd of 6 seminar scheduled for 2008.
The workshop was hosted and organized by Goshinkwai Total Body Defense's Chief Instructor - Sensei Alun Williams on the 12th April 2008 at Risca, Newport Gwent, Wales, United Kingdom. It lasted 3 hours.
The workshop covered aspects of unarmed blade defence, counters and recounters.
I would like to express foremost my appreciation to Sensei Alun Williams and his Total Body Defense Instructors (whom are incredible martial artists in their own rights) for their openness to accept and invite me to instruct a workshop for them - not many martial arts practitioners have thier kind of humility, my highest respects for them. To Charles Rawlins for assisting me in taking the pictures and videos for the event. To Andrew Lewis and those assisting me in the seminars. To those participated and those that travelled from outside Wales . My sincere apologies if I miss anyone.
This seminar like my other events aims primarily to raise the curiosity and awareness among people from different nationalities about the martial heritage and culture of Brunei Darussalam in general.

The seminar focuses on the mechanics of unarmed defence against a commited knife attack. The seminar started with a small introduction by Sensei Alun Williams. Then the instruction started with familiarizing the participant with the basic angles of incoming attacks and how to read intention and body mechanics.
In the 1st half of the seminar the participants were instructed on how to flow from the basics of various angles of commited knife attacks, knife interception, defence counters and recounters, flowing from one to the other.

In the 2nd half of the seminar, the participants were instructed 2 variations of follow-ups from every counters and recounters.
At the beginning, a majority of the participants were abit sceptic of the amount of information they could take onboard. To avoid the participants from over thinking on every movement, everyone was kept on thier toes as new movements was introduces every 10 minutes. The secret to conditioning reflex is - the less you think with your brain, the more your body remembers. By the end of the seminar everyone was surprised on the amount of instructions they absorbed.
The seminar was not aimed to teach techniques but principles so that practitioners from varying arts that attended the seminar could benefit from the instruction. The basic drills and principles taught are not to replace sparring or reality, but merely giving the practitioners options on what to do when an unexpected situation arises by conditioning basic reflexes against basic counters. Drilling simple movements against common attacks and counters against a knife defender, a "would be" victim could raise his chances in surviving the situation.
The seminar was not aimed to make you invincible, but to prepare yourselves incase you do have to face the worst senario of a knife attack.
Feedbacks from the participants were very encouraging, more wanted to know about the Bruneian Martial Arts. For more information on future seminars please visit the seminar/events link on the right side of this page.

For Images from the seminar please click here.

Goshinkwai Total Body Defense's Chief Instructor and Senior Instructors can be contacted from their website
5th Dan, Chief Instructor, Alun William's - Total Body Defence Goshinkwai system is one of the most well known in South Wales and is rapidly growing within the United Kingdom, he and his group of talented instructors have been featured in several martial arts magazines, as well as radio and TV coverage.

I have the honor of calling these group of incredible martial artists and individuals my friends.
If you live anywhere near where they teach, experience what they have to offer in no nonsense self defense. If you live too far away to accept direct instructions from them, their DVD is available to purchase on their website. You will not be disappointed. I personally recommend it.


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